Major Scope of Recruitment-USST 上海市振动工程学会网站


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  • Major Scope of Recruitment

The Center for Faculty Teaching Development (CFTD)

Founded in 2015 at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), the Center for Faculty Teaching Development (CFTD) works with faculty, staff and academic administrators campus-wide to support and enhance learning and teaching by connecting innovative teaching strategies and instructional technologies. CFTD offers a variety of curricular and instructional development activities, and provides both cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific programs customized to the individual needs of faculty, staff and departments. These include Teaching Assistant Training, Teaching Developing Forum, Teaching Excellence Award, workshops and salons for innovative teaching methods and technologies. CFTD sponsors competitions for grants to enhance teaching and learning at USST. We also support faculty members to take part in a variety of national-wide teaching contests of different disciplines, and offer consultancy to individuals and groups on all aspects of teaching. CFTD provides external and internal teaching resources for all leaners and instructors, and strives to promote a University culture that values good teaching, encourages individual differences in teaching, and supports the application of innovative learning environments in which both students and instructors can excel.

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