The First National Science Foundation Fundamental Science Center Project Jointly Constructed by Our School was Approved-USST 上海市振动工程学会网站

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The First National Science Foundation Fundamental Science Center Project Jointly Constructed by Our School was Approved

January 21, 2020

Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China announced the list of funding for the 2019 Basic Science Center project. The "Terahertz Frontier of Science and Technology" project, which was jointly applied by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Aerospace Information Research Institute, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, was approved. This is the first basic science center project obtained by our university. The project was jointly undertaken by the team of Academician Wu Yirong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Aerospace Information Research Institute, the team of Academician Zhuang Songlin, Academician Gu Min, and the Academician Liu Shenggang of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. These three teams are in the domestic leading position in terahertz basic theoretical research, terahertz component research, and terahertz applied research. The research results have reached an international first-class level, and "running" with the international frontier. At present, it is a critical period for the development of terahertz disciplines in China. The construction of the terahertz frontier science center is expected to lead the development of international terahertz science and technology.
The terahertz wave in the transition region between electronics and photonics is the last spectrum resource on the electromagnetic spectrum to be studied. It has many unique properties that are different from optics and microwaves, as well as major scientific connotations and application prospects, which will bring revolutionary changes to human utilization of electromagnetic wave. At present, glass ceilings such as scale effects, low carrier mobility, and mismatched energy levels exist in the extension of traditional electronics and photonics methods to the terahertz band, which severely restricts the development of high-power terahertz sources and high-sensitivity detector technologies. The Basic Science Center of “Terahertz Science and Technology Frontiers” will develop the theoretical framework and method system of multi-physics interaction of “photon-electron-quasiparticle” in the terahertz band, establish the theory of terahertz quantum electromagnetics, and systematically study terahertz Quasi-particle excitation characteristics specific to frequency bands and their manipulation methods. On this basis, break through the technical glass ceilings of terahertz devices, develop core devices, that is, develop high-power radiation sources and high-sensitivity detectors, and carry out the research on new methods and technologies for terahertz imaging based on core devices. Super-resolution biomedical imaging and terahertz long-range radar target imaging. Construct a complete innovation chain from basic research, core device technology to applied research, and form a basic science research center leading the development of international terahertz.

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